Poor Air Quality Policy

Poor Air Quality Policy

Smash Volleyball believes in providing a safe environment for all athletes. When making decisions related to air quality, the health and safety of participants/coaches shall be of the upmost concern. Smash will contact parents (via email/text and post on http://www.smashvball.com/camps/ ) the day before to notify that a program will be cancelled. Sessions will be made up at a later date when possible.

Air quality impacts individuals differently. To determine if an individual is in the at-risk population, see Environment
Canada’s website at https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/air-quality-health-index/health-risks.html.

It is strongly recommended that the parents/guardians of at-risk children communicate this to coaches so the child
can be monitored and adaptations can be made, when necessary. The parents/guardians of at-risk children should make decisions related to their child’s participation in Smash Volleyball activities based on their child’s own
personal health circumstances.

Smash Poor Air Quality Policy will be activated based on the following Air Quality forecasts  https://weather.gc.ca/airquality/pages/bcaq-001_e.html

Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) The AQHI measures the sum of the health risks associated with air pollution on a scale of 1 to 10.

The following scale explains the ‘level of risk’ with each reading:

1-3 Low risk – No change in programming.

4-6 Moderate risk – Programs will run as normal. We will check in with players that have asthma/health concerns that were noted on their registration form. Avoid high intensity activities.

7-10 High risk – Any children with respiratory issues should stay home. Please notify Smash (info@smashvball.com)
if your child will miss a session due to health concerns. Healthy individuals can attend programs as there will be low intensity activities only.

10+ Very high risk – The Poor Air Quality Policy will be activated and the program will be cancelled. Smash will contact parents (via email/text and post on http://www.smashvball.com/camps/) the day before to notify that a program will be cancelled.